abin i造句


  1. R . Abin is the only Amora sage among the rest of the Amora sages who are also called " Abin "-that was called so not as an appellation or an epithet, unlike the rest of the Amora sages who lived in Babylon, such as R . Abin Naggara the father of Idi b.
  2. Among his colleague was Jeremiah ( I ), who was one of the elders pupils of Yochanan bar Nafcha, and said to R . Abbahu that for this reason his and Jeremiah ( I ), Abin I, and R . Measha's opinions should be preferred over the opinions of R . Abbahu, R . Isaac Nappaha, and R . Hanina b.
  3. It's difficult to find abin i in a sentence. 用abin i造句挺难的


  1. "abimelech"造句
  2. "abimelek"造句
  3. "abimilki"造句
  4. "abimilku"造句
  5. "abin"造句
  6. "abin sur"造句
  7. "abina madill"造句
  8. "abinadab"造句
  9. "abinader"造句
  10. "abinadi"造句

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